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1634 results:

How mortgagees' rights of enforcement are affected by charter and b/l committments

Date: 6 May 1998

How mortgagees' rights of enforcement are affected by charter and b/l committments

Circular 11/98: ISM (International Safety Management) Code - Evidence Of Certification

Date: 1 July 1998

Circular 11/98: ISM (International Safety Management) Code - Evidence Of Certification ISM (International Safety Management) Code - Evidence Of Certification Members will be aware that as of 1st…

Circular 12/98: International Group Agreement (IGA)

Date: 2 July 1998

Circular 12/98: International Group Agreement (IGA) INTERNATIONAL GROUP AGREEMENT (IGA) Further to previous circulars on this subject (the last circular being Further details of this development…

Circular 13/98: International Group Agreement (IGA)

Date: 1 September 1998

Circular 13/98: International Group Agreement (IGA) INTERNATIONAL GROUP AGREEMENT (IGA) We refer to previous circulars on this subject, and in particular to A progress report has been issued in the…

Stevedore Damage

Date: 19 September 1998

Stevedore Damage 1. Stevedore damage can be categorised, broadly, into three forms: Damage to ship Damage to cargo Personal injury 2. Whose servant is the stevedore? Stevedores are employed…

Circular 18/98: General Average/Charterparty Clauses

Date: 1 December 1998

Circular 18/98: General Average/Charterparty Clauses TO THE MEMBERS GENERAL AVERAGE/CHARTERPARTY CLAUSES We refer to the Association's Prior to 1994, the York Antwerp Rules allowed the recovery of…

Circular 19/98: Bills of Lading - Delivery of Cargo

Date: 2 December 1998

Circular 19/98: Bills of Lading - Delivery of Cargo TO THE MEMBERS Bills of Lading - Delivery of Cargo Standard forms of letters of indemnity to be given in return for: A. Delivering cargo…

Circular 20/98: Paperless Trading - The Bolero Project

Date: 3 December 1998

Circular 20/98: Paperless Trading - The Bolero Project TO THE MEMBERS Paperless Trading - The Bolero Project The Association, in conjunction with other P&I Clubs in the International Group, has…

Circular 2/99: Oil Pollution in the United States - Dry Cargo Ships and California Legislation

Date: 1 January 1999

Circular 2/99: Oil Pollution in the United States - Dry Cargo Ships and California Legislation TO THE MEMBERS OIL POLLUTION IN THE UNITED STATES DRY CARGO SHIPS AND CALIFORNIA…

Circular 3/99: The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited ("ITOPF")

Date: 2 January 1999

Circular 3/99: The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited ("ITOPF") TO THE MEMBERS THE INTERNATIONAL TANKER OWNERS POLLUTION FEDERATION LIMITED ("ITOPF") ITOPF was established as…