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Yemen - Port Updates

Date: 12 January 2024
Yemen - Port Updates

Yemen - Port Updates The following update has been received from the Association's correspondent, GAC Agency Co. (Yemen) Ltd.  We are given to understand by our GAC Hodeidah office, that the…

World Maritime Day 2020

Date: 24 September 2020
World Maritime Day 2020

World Maritime Day 2020 Today, 24 September 2020, is IMO’s World Maritime Day.  The theme for this year is “Sustainable shipping for a sustainable planet". Members are invited to…

Working on Deck in Heavy Weather - Worldwide

Date: 1 July 2010

Working on Deck in Heavy Weather - Worldwide Following a number of recent incidents, the Club would like to remind Members of the hazards and procedures to be considered when working on deck in heavy…

Who pays? Shipper Indemnity for People Claims

Date: 29 May 2024
Who pays? Shipper Indemnity for People Claims

Who pays? Shipper Indemnity for People Claims People claims on container stowage are most prevalent at origin and destination, when the container is open. So what protections, if any, are available…

WHO Guidance for Managing Covid-19 Cases or Outbreak Onboard Ships

Date: 6 January 2022
WHO Guidance for Managing Covid-19 Cases or Outbreak Onboard Ships

WHO Guidance for Managing Covid-19 Cases or Outbreak Onboard Ships The Club would like to draw to Members’ attention that the World Health Organization (WHO) has just released 'An…

White House Makes Enforcement of Rule Against Unjust Detention and demurrage Practices a Priority

Date: 2 August 2021
White House Makes Enforcement of Rule Against Unjust Detention and demurrage Practices a Priority

White House Makes Enforcement of Rule Against Unjust Detention and demurrage Practices a Priority During a time of unprecedented demand for capacity due to Covid-19 and the effects of a major…

When Charterers are on the hook

Date: 3 November 2022
When Charterers are on the hook

When Charterers are on the hook When a bodily injury incident occurs on board a vessel, the focus is usually on the owners of the vessel. Their P&I Club will have been notified of the incident…

What is Cyber Crime?

Date: 17 February 2017

What is Cyber Crime?

Webinar: US and California Environmental and Compliance Trends Affecting Ship Owners

Date: 7 July 2021
Webinar: US and California Environmental and Compliance Trends Affecting Ship Owners

Webinar: US and California Environmental and Compliance Trends Affecting Ship Owners The UK P&I Club have collaborated with Jeanne Grasso from Blank Rome and David Tong from Peacock Piper …

Webinar: The Supreme Court verdict on the CMA CGM Libra

Date: 21 December 2021
Webinar: The Supreme Court verdict on the CMA CGM Libra

Webinar: The Supreme Court verdict on the CMA CGM Libra Following a previous webinar on the Court of Appeal decision, the UK Club hosted a follow-up webinar to discuss the implications of the Supreme…